Hello Little Human Female
Fun House Theatre & Film, Plano, Texas
"...include a well-designed and functional set."
"Joseph Cummings' scenic design has to be seen to be fully appreciated. "
"As I was walking to the entrance of the theatre, someone commented that I dressed for the occasion. Seeing the confused look on my face, she explained that since I was wearing a purple shirt, I matched the design of the set. After walking into the theatre, I could see what she meant. Cummings designed and painted a set to look like various lengths and widths of mismatched pieces of wood. However, instead of using the expected hues of brown and yellows for the wood, Cummings used shades of purple, black, white and gray. This scheme, along with the various lighting colors used during the production, gave the set an occasional ethereal look that worked well for the various locations within the story."
Joel Taylor-The Column